Ireca Basics (Level 1-2)

ireca course Finland
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This course will prepare you to use the IRECA technique on yourself and others. Each level allows you to practice and benefit from the method in incremental stages. With this course you will learn:
Level I:
– The localization of the energy centers (EC)
– The organs and systems associated with each energy center
– The basic energy transmission technique
– An energy contact exercise used to maintain the EC attuned
Level II:
– How to maintain your energy balance
– Energy applications for wellness maintenance and for various disorders
– How to treat others, in addition to yourself
You will also have your energy centers activated to this particular type of Cosmic Energy.
To learn more about the IRECA technique you can watch the video: IRECA Method Presentation
Course Location:
Teacher: Silja Kuitu, Finland
For Information & Registration:
Call (+358) 44 0880 786
Translation is available in all our courses if needed. Please contact us.
PRICE 250 € Course
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Description and Benefits
The energy transmission technique used in the IRECA Method is a useful tool that allows us to channel Energy for therapeutic purposes, through the energy centers on the human body.
The Universe is one unified entity comprised of diverse manifestations of Energy; everything that exists is in constant movement. Human beings, being one with the universe, are part of this process. If, indeed, we are part of this Energy, then we are influenced by it. Water, the air, and nutrients are only some of the elements that support our lives. However, the human body also needs other forms of energy, more subtle and indispensable, for our growth and survival. One of these is the Energy used in the IRECA method. Due to imbalances caused by our way of life, our bodies gradually begin to lose their self-regulatory mechanisms thus setting in motion degenerative processes that, in time, become chronic. Our bodies being exposed to continuous aggressions from the environment are rendered incapable of responding to the various external agents from the outside. The Energy centers of the body are vortices that allow the entrance and circulation of Energy.
Each center corresponds to a different system of our bodies and their respective organs. When the Energy centers receive appropriate Energy, they distribute it accordingly, then our bodies, according to their capabilities, process and make intelligent use of this Energy. This method does not exclude nor it is intended to be used as a substitute for medical treatment. It is, however, a tool which produces satisfactory results and is an excellent complement to any other treatment.The benefits of this method become visible in a short time, often after the very first application. Please consult for more information.